Wind Tunnel Tested to be the fastest socks available.
The Veto 1.0 Cycling Sock has undergone rigorous independent performance testing in the SSEH state-of-the-art wind tunnel as used by World Tour teams and top triathletes.
The Cycling 1.0 product was thoroughly evaluated alongside a wide selection of premium cycling & aero socks from renowned brands, which ensured a comprehensive and fair performance benchmarking process.
The socks were tested at multiple speeds and yaw angles to best represent real-world conditions and understand performance.

How We Tested
Rather than pick the speed and yaw angle combination that best shows Veto Socks relative to the competition, instead we averaged all the test results. This figure shows the average performance difference that cyclists can expect to gain in their own real-world cycling conditions.

The Results
Veto Socks are Proven to be:
A huge 7.8 watts faster than bare shaved legs
3.6 watts faster than all premium brand cycling socks - no sock was faster!
Equal or better than premium brand aero socks as used on the World Tour
Test Data Snapshot
Veto Socks outperformed the equivalent premium brand cycling sock competition in every data point but one!

Explaining the Aerodynamics
Generally sock designers focus their efforts on minimising the drag behind the sock. Quite simply, reducing the width of the wake trailing behind the leg allows cyclists to ride faster.

For cycling speeds of 30kph and lower, a laminar boundary layer is operating around the cylinder of the sock. The separation location of the flow is quite forward on the sock - which is a similar location for all socks. However, data shows Veto Socks can still outperform its peers at lower test speeds.

With higher speeds and the introduction of a turbulent boundary layer, the separation location on Veto Socks is further aft than that of its test peers. The specific properties of our sock cause the turbulent boundary layer to have more momentum around the leg and therefore the separation location occurs further aft. This concept is magnified as the speed increases from 40kph to 50kph and the cyclist is able to ride even faster!